TUESDAY SEPT. 30, 1919


The real work will start next Sunday for the Independents. That is the beginning of their campaign against most formidable teams of Ohio, Indiana and Minnesota. The Hamburg A.C. football team of Chicago, formerly Cornell Hamburgs with furnish the opposition this weekend. The rep of this organization is well established and there should be plenty of fans inside the fence at Douglas Park by kickoff. The Hamburgs were champions of the Chicago football league in 1914-1917. They claim the team of 1919 is fifty percent stronger than any past championship team. The Chicago papers already devote considerable coverage to the team. The Daily Journal says the Line averages 193 pounds, while the Backs average 185 pounds. If this is true, the green jerseyed tribe will be outweighed by a few pounds...

They’re Irish Fans Joe Ryan is the quarterback. Joe was second to the great Paddy Driscoll at the Great Lakes team last fall. Joe was some player while at Notre Dame during college. Monaban and McGinty are guards who have played with Hamburg for 4 years.

Choice Grid Morsels The hardest kind of conditioning work will be indulged in by the Independents this week in order to be in tip-top shape for the invasion of the Hamburgs next’ Sunday. Ursella plans on having the team out for practice every night this week. Several players have made it known of their intentions to go out each afternoon and strive for that elusive thing known as “wind”……

This is the Spirit Quoting Big Fellow Buland: “I’m going out every afternoon this week to kick and throw the ball around and to get some of that stay-there wind. We came down here to play football for Rock Island and it is our business to see that we get in condition to give the fans the very best that is in us”. Ursella and other also agreed to join Buland in the afternoons and evenings.

Dempsey’s Ankle according to the Doc, Dempsey ‘s ankle is coming around and he should be ready to play against the Windy City tribe of Irish. He is needed to help grab the Independents forward pass attempts

Chicken is a Coach Fred Chicken is coaching a team in Minneapolis, he did not say what type of team but before leaving on the train Sunday night, he did say that instead of just coaching them, he would be getting in the mix for his own benefit…

Writes About Numbers An interested fan has written to the Argus suggesting that we make note of the fact that programs this past Sunday did not contain player numbers. The fan goes on to point out that it would help onlookers to get acquainted with the new players on the team this year. He concludes, “I know I am voicing the sentiment of many, many people, especially the ladies, and I trust that the management of the Independents, which is certainly catering to the public, will heed the suggestion, and that the feature spoken of will not be dispensed with during the coming season. P.S. -  I might add my approval to the change in the layout of the field, which certainly is a decided improvement over former years”.

Buland Like Movies and Girls Walt is a great movie fan. Yesterday he was seen to surreptitiously slip into the Spencer Square. Those already inside say he slid in quietly into a seat ‘way down in front’. Walt says, “up in Minnesota a fellow doesn’t have much chance to glimpse the beauties Mack Sennett is sending about the country in the latest styles of bathing beach”...

Source -Rock Island Argus September 30, 1919
