On The Sidelines...

When asked how the Independent players were always in such great shape there is only one answer - the trainers. Bert Benson and Tommy Mathews have been caring for the players all season and should be given credit for their work.

11-28-16 Rock Island Argus

Forward Pass is the "Squeeze" Play

Like the "squeeze play" in baseball., the forward pass is a pretty little play - if it works. Just as the squeeze play makes a ball club look awful funny if ti doesn't go through and the man under way from third runs into the ball at the plate, so the forward pass appears foolish when an alert secondary defense man snags the ball and dashes down the field for plenty of territory. However, as long as the chances of the play going wrong are minimized by having good men on the right end of both the "squeeze play" and the forward pass, they will continue to be, strickly speaking, "athletically vogue."

11-29-16 Rock Island Argus


1916 Season - 50 Cents Admission- half price for the ladies.

Player Talked to -

Ed Swanson, Louis Kolls, Ted Davenport, Pat Sexton, Paddy Quinn, Charlie McGinnis, Dan Greer, Roy Milstedt, Bert Spaudling, George Hughes, Red Lawrence, Gail Philbrook, Richard Gotthardt, Harry Olson, Langian - also - Keith Dooley, Vic Bredimus, Loyal Robb, Fat Smith, Joel Nichols

1916 Players